Our data collection and use At Spyzie.cc, we collect data required for marketing purposes, such as usernames, location addresses, e-mail addresses and contact telephone numbers. We have access to these details when you check out and we do not disclose them to third parties.

We take the security of your data on our site very seriously and install anti-malware, anti-virus and other anti-phishing technologies guided by industry best practices.

Product Marketing Our product marketing is optional and you may decline it. You may unsubscribe from such marketing materials/mailing lists at any time. If you are not on the opt-in list, we will not send you any marketing materials.

Control of Cookies When we collect data from you via cookies on your browser, it is to enable us to provide a quality service to all our users. We are able to use these cookies to effectively measure traffic to our website as this data is required for our business decisions and affiliate internet marketing requirements.

We can assure you that IP addresses are not linked to personal information such as names and location addresses. In this respect, your data is anonymized and the pages you visit or download are not disclosed to the public. All user data collected and accessed by our employees is based on controlled access and will not be transmitted to anyone to reveal your identity.

Pages with web beacons are part of our website and are required by some of our partners to verify our business relationship. The host of such social media sharing buttons can access your data when you click on an emoticon, share button or Facebook-like status. Hosts of social media or such GIFS or social sharing widgets can access your data on any page where such information exists.

However, we make it clear that it is not personal data that is accessed in the above cases, but browsing preferences and behavioral tracking. Cookies, logs and tracking devices on share buttons enable users to access advertisements and promotional services tailored to their needs.

Logs and Cookies At Spyzie.cc, we use cookies for statistical purposes and to comply with global best practices. A cookie on our website is a small text file that is stored on your browser when you visit our website. These cookies help customize our services to meet your needs and are also useful for advertising purposes.

Our cookies help us track visits to our site so that we note which pages you visit, how long you stay, pages of interest, and so on. Our use of logs allows us to know who visits our site and from what part of the world such visits originate. We are also able to know who your ISP is and what you download from Spyzie.cc

Cookies are also useful for pages where you enter your personal preferences. This way, you don’t have to re-enter your preferences every time you visit the page. When you enable cookies on your browser, you save yourself the trouble of having to re-enter them each time.

We use external tools such as Google Analytics to measure our advertising program in order to gauge effectiveness. We do not collect data about your computer or data stored on your browser.

If you have the right to access your browser to block cookies, you will be able to block any cookies that do not match your personal preferences. You are free to refuse to accept any cookies if your browser alerts indicate this.

Existing cookies can also be deleted or disabled using your browser’s tools. However, not accepting certain cookies may significantly impact your visit to the site. You must accept our cookies if you are unable to make optimal use of our website features.

Our Information Sharing While we do share information about the users of our website, this is limited to the service providers who carry out specific operations on our behalf.

They do not use this data for personal or commercial purposes. We are also legally compelled to disclose your data when there is a legitimate court order to do so.

Third party websites When you click on a link on our website that takes you to a third party landing page, we are not responsible for that website. You must comply with the policies of such third party websites. It is your responsibility to understand what the site offers and what each user can expect.

Current Privacy Policy Updates We may update our privacy policy from time to time and take steps to keep you informed of the latest developments by posting notices on our website. Our commitment to personal data protection is always assured.

We recognize that our users have the right to receive statements regarding their personal data. In this regard, you may make a request for deletion, modification or correction of data at any time.